January 18, 2023

January 19, 2023

Kathy and I in the fall of last year, reunited in Vermont!

In reflection on the places that have gotten me to 2023 I want to say thanks first to Kathy and Yoga Vermont and my RYT500 ceritfication, which started in July 2012. All I knew is that I just wanted to do as much yoga as I could... I fetl this urge for more understanding. And today my students tell me this all the time, "I just feel this need to practice yoga, to learn more about it." or sometimes, "I really have no desire to be a yoga teacher, but I still feel drawn to the teacher training." Both of these we ENTIRELY true for me when I enrolled in YTT, plus I was a total "beginner" by all means. WHY Do we feel this way? What is that indescribable PULL to learn more, practice more, understand more?

Without boring you/repeating the rest of my personal story (see previous post), we arrive today in 2023 and I'm celebrating 9 years of owning a studio (now run *virtually*), 7 years of running yoga teacher trainings/retreats in over 4 countires and 5 years working independently as a consultant for retreat centers, studio owners, teachers and other wellness professionals. Just over a year ago, I purchased my travel agent license to sell travel to you and everyone you know. I’m even building a team of motivated worldwide travelers who are saving like mad people on their own trips and working online from the comfort of their devices!! What’s the point??? I've put in A LOT OF work, and now I'm working almost entirely online and have this funny sense of, "now what?"

The next step is a journey back to the USA for Bibby and I. Since he received his green card (YAY!) we are taking the time to be in the USA, acquire social security, a full time job (for him) preferably in the trades and for the Spring season till end of summer or fall, etc etc. I'm planning to offer a Yoga Teacher Training in-person intensive the JULY in Vermont as well. EXACT location is still TBD. Currently any lead on work, homes, a camper van would be INCREDIBLY sufficient, or a vehicle will be necessary also. We are taking it slow, just in the planning phase and looks like we may be housesitting in April as way to welcome, so we’re open to these sorts pf “gigs” also. Obviously, we'll be traveling with our 2 cats, and since I have the freedom to work from almost anywhere we’re staying open to any and all possibilities.

SO wait, what does this all have to do with yoga? I have felt A LOT of resistance to advertising my online work since I started it almost 3 years back, until a few days ago when I realized it is basically ALL OF MY WORK! Not only that, but the value of the online studio and YTT programs is only getting better and better, the quality and the continued presence of community blows my mind, we arer eally doing some cool stuff and hard work. THANK YOU for being a part of it. As always, the moral of this story is that I wouldn't be anywhere without you. My virtual community has become my primary community and what's cool is we're all over the world!! From the Caribbean to Japan and Toronto or to Orlando, our people reach. We love you!!

In yoga there is a Niyama (observation/discipline) called Isvara Pranidana, and I’ve contemplated this long . and hard. IT’s the understanding that divinity exists in all things. Today I believe this energy is EXACTLY that energetic PULL that we feel towards yoga + meditation, or other spiritual practices, places and things. And while the practice of yoga in a warm studio filled with sunshine and human souls oozes with something potently DIVINE, the practice alone, in your home, with your device, and a recording feels a bit different. But may it still be divine? May we choose to praise and honor our practice no matter the form? The setting? The style? I believe we must. Otherwise we continue to wait in vain. As someone who used to personally manage a beachfront studio while owning a studio in the USA and supporting my husbands studio all at the same time (3 studios at once!?), now I have my living room and the internet. I’m right there WITH YOU! I feel you, and it’s only taken me 3 years to arrive to this newfound understanding that THIS IS DIVINE.

In 2023 I'm asking you to consider getting loud about it with me. Because honestly, you have all believed in me before I ever believed in myself. THAT for me is the definition of DIVINE. Try to exercise some of the following FUN practices in honor of this new appreciation:

  • SHARE our Patreon page link directly on you social pages and thru text, email or wherever you communicate with friends and family. Adding a little note about why you're a member and what it has to offer makes a really nice way to outreach and creat community. As always, your word of moth is always our best reference. Don't simply do this once, but try to do it a few times, it helps us SO much: www.patreon.com/gratefulyoga

  • CAPTURE your practice, whether with a quick selfie or a personal testimonial of how you feel after class or a timelapse or whatever, the dog!! TAG US @gratefulyogavt or @riseandvibeyoga to help create the community presence everywhere we go. This also creates a warmth of accountability and social action! Our instagram: www.instagram.com/gratefulyogavt

  • Make sure have hit the SUBSCRIBE option to my channel on youtube. Check it out. COMMENT, LIKING and SHARING the videos are all also allowed. I does make a difference. Visit, Subcribe and SHARE my Youtube Channel

  • TALK ABOUT US when you're getting a juice or picking up take out or catching up with a family member. By sharing your experience of yoga we can spread the Awareness with a big A.

These practices are both personal and universal, they are beneficial to physical, mental and spiritual well being. Especially when we consider colonization and destruction of many spiritual traditions worldwide, we should be happy to see yoga showing up universally in the histories of all humans. We are truly honored and blessed to have this knowledge and practice today!

Celebrate where you are today. Share this joy with people who appreciate it. Know that no day is equal to the next. Devote your time to doing the work that makes you your best self, the work that helps you see the divine parts of things, the work that isn’t always easy but always feels so good when it’s been done.

WELCOME 2023!! Lunar New Year is Jan 21 with the New Moon. Join us TONIGHT (Thurs Jan 19 at 7:30 pm) for CHANDRA YOGA to honor the lunar energy, OR catch the recorded version in on on-demand library.


MARCH 19-25, 2023 : Spring Retreat in the Dominican Republic with Chrissy Lefavour and Abby Suskin CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS!

NOW ENROLLING : Online YTT at-your-own-pace with LIVE 4x weekly sessions via Zoom with Chrissy: MORE INFORMATION HERE! In person options explained there also…


  1. REGISTER on my site to browse and book travel as my customer: chrissylefavour.inteletravel.com

  2. JOIN my private facebook group where I’ll be posting more update and opportunities in 2023: https://www.facebook.com/groups/390230089433787

  3. EMAIL ME or text me or send a DM, and ask me about what I do, how I can help and what I have to offer. The website above is pretty standard and only a sliver of what I do! chrissylefavour@gmail.com

THANK YOU for being you. Including my meditation from Monday, in case you haven’t been meditating enough… Lots of Love! xo