This post is one where I’m not sure to start or what to say. Being a woman has never been more relevant in my life than it is today. Perhaps it is just something we connect more deeply with as we age, as we reach deeper to the core of our being, and we begin to know. We all originate from a perfect combination of both male and female energies. Life (and yoga) is a journey where we try to return to that pure, balanced state of yin + yang, Shiva + Shakti.
I began to think of words that come to mind when I think of the word womanhood, or qualities of remarkable women, female values. Beautiful, bold, strong, wise, nurturing, compassionate, fierce, unstoppable. And immediately, I was aware that there are people in the world who would never use those words to describe a woman, that is why I’m marching. These are not just qualities that define the magnificence of a woman, but of a human. Regardless of whether you are a man, woman or other, these attributes demand respect and peace. The greatest leaders and lovers embody these characteristics. We will march to uphold value, to be fiercely compassionate and to prove that all humans are capable of this kind of love.
So, this is a call to all humans: do the things that set your soul on fire. When you are compelled towards movements of goodness and light, GO. Follow the path of love.
We will be gathering at the studio on Saturday 1/21 at noon to make signs and to come together. From there we will walk to the high school for the Women’s March which starts at 1 pm. All are welcome to gather with us in this movement. Please don’t hesitate to drop by.
“There are still many causes worth sacrificing for, so much history yet to be made.”