Shante Prashante Sarva Krodha Upasha-mani Swaha
“Let the fear return to its source in universal energy so that the energy is purified, returns to me and becomes usable.” -Bill Barry
Looking back on the last 4 years it is apparent that yoga has transformed my life. No amount of change comes without hard work, immense support and fear, of course, fear. When I tell people I’m a yoga teacher with a yoga studio, teacher training program and two horses they often reply, “You must be so relaxed…” They have no idea that I’m totally winging it every step of the way.
Many of you have already noticed my name isn’t listed on the current studio schedule. Don’t worry, it’s not you, it’s me. Grateful Yoga has become a space full of more love and light than I could have ever dreamed. We are practicing outdoors, on paddle boards, horseback and internationally! There are students practicing from ages 3-80 years, beginners to seasoned yogis are gracing us with their presence and the community continues to grow out of undying support. THANK YOU.
I am trying to embrace the role of “studio owner” (and am accepting suggestions for a better position name). Trust me, taking my name off of the schedule is REALLY scary. It’s the biggest change I’ve made to the business since we opened almost 2 years ago. Fear is a powerful energy, to overcome fear requires energy that is focused, clear and honest. I do a lot of yoga and I've conquered every fear I've faced thus far. The real reason I’ve been able to continue with the vision of Grateful Yoga is because of you and your practice. People show up every day at the studio willing to open their hearts, sweat it out, get silly and try something new. We are now blessed to offer classes 7 days a week with 10 inspiring teachers!!
My responsibility is still in 100% service to my students. After wrapping up the 6.5 week summer intensive I am especially inspired by the yogis at the studio. It is that constant reminder that none of this comes without hard work and utter dedication. I will be spending the next few months developing the manuals for the 200 + 300-hour teacher training programs at Grateful Yoga, leading training in the Dominican Republic and a retreat in Puerto Rico (you can come, too!). I am also THRILLED to announce I will be attending an aerial yoga training in Honolulu. Because of this time away I have opted out of teaching on the regular schedule and am giving the opportunity to these beautiful instructors! I look forward to seeing you at the studio, in class, as a student!! Let us practice in fear, in hope and in happiness all together.
Om shanti shanti shant