The Grateful Yoga

Ashtanga Collection


INTRODUCTION TO ASHTANGA. Start and/or Review here! 82 mins of beginner/intro level practice for all people. You can watch it in 2 or 3 parts if need be!

Feel free to email if you have any questions about getting going with the Ashtanga practice.

Take your time, breathe deeply, and enjoy!


63 minutes.

68 minutes.

63 minutes.

74 minutes.

73 minutes.

74 minutes.

**45 minutes.**

62 minutes.

**79 minutes. Primary/Intermediate mix-up!**

**84 minutes.**

74 minutes.

60 minutes.

67 minutes.

**90 minutes.**

**88 minutes.**

51 minutes.

73 minutes.

**88 minutes.**

60 mins

67 mins

72 mins

57 mins

88 mins

Some Second Series Options…. ENJOY

77 mins

65 mins

75 mins

64 mins

60 mins


66 mins

63 mins

65 mins

70 mins

90 mins